5 ways to stop hair loss at home

As we all know that hair loss for both females and males is a big issue. so let me show you “5 ways for to stop hair loss at home”. the main thing in this blog is that all products are natural

women with hair loss problem

1st way to stop hair loss at home

by using neem leaves you can stop hair loss

Using neem leaves is also one of the way to stop hair loss at home. Neem leaves have characteristics of antifungal and antibacterial that help in dandruff removal and can help to stop hair loss. It also helps in strengthening the hair follicles and helps in hair growth. For improved results, boil 10 neem leaves in water and afterward apply the mixture to your hair.

2nd way to stop hair loss at home


Remaining hydrated and drinking no less than 6-8 glasses of water consistently can help you in keeping away from hair fall. You can drink natural product that is easy to get ready at the home adversary. for example banana juice can help you strengthens your hair and second is orange juice that can help in stopping hair loss.

3rd way to stop hair loss at home

By using Aloe vera gel

Aloe Vera is an effective home treatment and necessary for balancing the hair and scalp pH levels. Rub the mash from the aloe vera leaf or stalk it into your hair. Leave it for about 15 minutes before washing your hair with water.

4th way for females to stop hair loss at home

4th way to stop hair loss at home

Green tea

Green tea is also one of the natural products that can help you in stopping hair loss at home. green tea works in hair development and forstalling hair loss.

green tea

how to use green tea?

sink few green tea bags in half litre of water

wait for about 15 minutes and let the green tea cool down.

wash your hair with mild shampoo and then massage your scalp with green a tea for about 10 minutes.

then wash your hair with cold water.

practice this process twice or thrice a week for better results.

5.Manage Your Stress

having Stress can also have an impact on your hair loss and as we know that you can’t remove stress from your life but you can keep it in control so keeping your stress and mental health in control during difficult times might become one of the most effective ways to stop hair loss.

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