Author name: Muhammad waseem

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AIDS Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. it is a life-threatening condition. What virus causes AIDS? This syndrome is caused by a virus called the human immune deficiency virus (HIV). Transmission Blood transfusion Breast feeding It can transmit through sexual contact Reuse of Syringes, Blades and needles. It can transmit from mother to fetus across the placenta Use of infected needles Symptoms of AIDS The Symptoms of this syndrome may take years to appear. This syndrome has two categories of symptoms. Immune Suppression In immune suppression, only flu-like symptoms appear like Fever, Swallon-Lymph nodes and glands, headache, skin rash, Nausea, chills immune deficient in this stage the patient become susceptible to microbial attacks and have no ability to resist the infections and patient suffer from a variety of diseases which lead to death. Such diseases which develop during weak immunity is called opportunistic disease which causes by different pathogens. Treatment of AIDS There is no specific treatment is available yet. Symptomatic and supportive treatment is advised. Protease inhibitors (antiretroviral drugs) are administered by mouth. Antiviral drugs with protease inhibitor drugs are given. Preventions of AIDS One should avoid sexual intercourse with an infected partner. HIV-test should be done to prevent the spread of AIDS. Avoid using syringes, needles, and Razor used by others. New surgical tools must be used while doing surgery. Maintain your personal hygiene strictly. Use Antiviral drugs to prevent the secondary infections or symptoms. FAQS What is the abbreviation of AIDS? It can be Abbreviated is Acquired immune deficiency syndrome What are the common symptoms of Acquired immune deficiency syndrome? common symptoms include Fever, chill, Nausea, and Headache. Can AIDS be transmitted from person to person? Yes, it can be transmitted from person to person in different ways. is AIDS curable? No, there is no clear treatment for this syndrome at present. Can you get AIDS from kissing or sharing food with an HIV-positive person? No, you cannot get AIDS from activities like kissing, hugging, or sharing food with someone who is HIV-positive. HIV is primarily transmitted through specific bodily fluids, not through everyday social interactions.

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Lexotanil tablets

Lexotanil Tablets Uses, Side Effects and Precautions

Lexotanil tablets are used for patients with anxiety and Insomnia. These tablets contain Benzodiazepines. What is the Dosage of Lexotanil tablets? Lexotanil doesn’t believe in one-size-fits-all. Typically, for adults struggling with anxiety, a daily dosage of 3 to 6 milligrams, spread over two or three doses, is the starting point. For those battling insomnia with the anxiety monster, a smaller dose of 1.5 to 3 milligrams just before bedtime can bring sweet dreams. The Main thing is to follow your healthcare provider’s guidance closely. using these tablets, improperly, can become a crutch, leading to dependency and other unwelcome guests. What are the uses of Lexotanil Tablets? Uses of Lexotanil tablets are Anxiety Healthcare providers recommends this tablets for the patients of Anxiety. Insomia Doctors prescribed this to those who suffer from insomnia. Insomnia is a disorder in which one may trouble falling asleep. Side Effects of Lexotanil Tablets Like any medicine, Lexotanil has its quirks. Knowing these potential side effects is vital for a peaceful journey: Common Side Effects: Drowsiness: Lexotanil is known for making its users feel drowsy, like a gentle lullaby. However, this can be a double-edged sword, so it’s crucial to steer clear of activities requiring focus and alertness until you understand how these tablets affect you. Dizziness: Some may find themselves waltzing with dizziness, a side effect that can be more pronounced in older adults and increase the risk of stumbling. Memory Mishaps: Lexotanil has been known to play tricks with memory and concentration for some, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself searching for misplaced keys. Tummy Troubles: Your gut might express its opinions with nausea or stomach discomfort as Lexotanil works its magic. Headache: Occasionally, Lexotanil may present you with a headache as an unwelcome guest. Mood Swings: In rare cases, your emotions might go on a roller coaster, with Lexotanil causing increased irritability or even depression. Rare and Serious Side Effects of Lexotanil tablets: While rare, some serious side effects may include: Allergic Reactions: The curtain might rise on symptoms like rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, and even difficulty breathing. Dependency Drama: If you and Lexotanil grow too close for comfort, it can lead to physical and psychological dependence. Cutting ties abruptly can trigger withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety, tremors, and even seizures. Unexpected Reactions: Sometimes, these tablets can be the life of the party, causing increased anxiety, agitation, or aggression – not what you signed up for! Precautions Consult a Healthcare Professional: Lexotanil should always be under the watchful eye of a healthcare provider who knows the ropes of your specific needs. Short-Term Use: Think of Lexotanil as a temporary shoulder to lean on. Long-term use can lead to a bond you’d rather not have – dependency. Follow your healthcare provider’s roadmap regarding the duration of your journey. Stay Away from Alcohol and Sedatives: Mixing these tablets with alcohol or other sedatives is like adding fuel to the fire. It can lead to serious consequences, even overdose. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Lexotanil has a “no-entry” sign during pregnancy, as it may harm the developing baby. It can also hitch a ride into breast milk, potentially affecting a nursing baby. Elderly Travelers: Older adults might find Lexotanil’s drowsiness and dizziness a bit too much to handle. Lower doses are often recommended for this seasoned group. Driving and Everyday Adventures: Until you become familiar with Lexotanil’s effects, avoid taking the wheel or engaging in activities that demand a sharp mind. conversation with your healthcare provider. Together, you can tailor a plan that leads to the calm and peace you deserve. Visit for more health-related articles.

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Pulmonol Syrup

Pulmonol Syrup: Uses and Side Effects

As we all know with an increase in diseases usage of medications also increases and it is essential to know about the uses and side effects of the medications which you use. So in this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the uses and side effects of Pulmonol syrup Ingredients present in the Pulmonol Syrup Many ingredients are present in this syrup some of them are Chlorphenamine Maleate, Potassium Bicarbonate,  Ephedrine Hydrochloride, Terpin hydrate, etc. Uses of Pulmonol Syrup This Syrup is used for the treatment of Respiratory diseases. chronic bronchitis Doctors recommend this Syrup to patients with chronic bronchitis. Chronic Bronchitis is a respiratory disease that lasts for a long time. Patients with a chronic disease cough and sneeze constantly. Allergic Symptoms This syrup contains a chemical called Chlorphenamine Maleate that helps in treating allergy or allergic symptoms like cough and sneezing. Asthma This syrup is often prescribed to manage symptoms of Asthma. Asthma is also a chronic condition that affects the airways through which we breathe. Side Effects of Pulmonol Syrup Headache Dry mouth Constipation difficulty in breathing Difficulty in urination Diarrhea FAQS. Visit for more health-related articles.

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Down syndrome

Down Syndrome

Definition The autosomal non-disjunction of chromosome pair no 21 or trisomy21 is called Down syndrome. such an individual will have one extra copy of the 21st chromosome. It means they have 47 chromosomes instead of 46 chromosomes. This disease is considered the most common disease that is related to chromosomes in the United States. According to reports 1 baby out of 700 is born with this type of condition. what is trisomy 21? An extra copy of a chromosome is called trisomy 21. when a fetus has three copies instead of two chromosomes. Causes of down syndrome It is due to the non-disjunction of chromosome no-21 in which the 21st chromosome fails to separate and thus one gamete receives 24- chromosomes. if these gametes are fertilized by a normal gamete then the individual will have 47 chromosomes instead of 46 chromosomes. Both men and women can pass the genetic translocation from down-syndrome onto their offsprings. Advancing maternal age increases the incidence of Down syndrome. Symptoms of Down syndrome  Small mouth, short neck, Flate face and nose.  Small ears, upward slanting eyes with small skin fold at the inner corner  large proturding tongue  Inner corner of the eye may be rounded instead of pointed.  Hands are short  Iris of the eye will have white spots  Poor muscle tone  Mentally retarded  Excessive flexibility  Average IQ is low Vision problem Treatment of down syndrome Correct surgery for heart defects, stomach Regular check-ups of ear infections, hearing loss, Obesity, hypothyroidism, visual impairments, and other medical conditions. Down syndrome individuals should be supported by family. Special programs for children with Down syndrome stimulation at an early age with appropriate sensory, motor, and cognitive activities. Many other conditions are associated with Down syndrome Like, Heart problems Alzheimer’s disease. Autism, in this case, a person faces difficulty in social skills and communication For more health-related articles visit

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heart attack

Heart Attack

In a world where we’re constantly hustling and bustling, the specter of a heart attack looms larger than ever. Let’s dive into the world of heart attacks – what they are, what causes them, how to spot the warning signs, and most importantly, what we can do to keep them at bay. So, What Exactly is a Heart Attack? A heart attack, medically termed as a myocardial infarction, is that terrifying moment when blood can’t flow properly to a part of your heart, usually due to a pesky blood clot. This blockage starves your heart muscle of oxygen, leading to damage or, in severe cases, its demise. Now, let’s dissect the nitty-gritty of why this happens. Unraveling the Culprits 1. The Sneaky Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Picture this: your arteries as pipelines for blood. Coronary artery disease (CAD) clogs these pipelines with plaque, narrowing them over time. When this narrowing gets too extreme, it’s a recipe for a heart attack. 2. The Blood Pressure Saga High blood pressure, or hypertension, is like a wrecking ball on your arteries. It can make them prone to rupture and the formation of blood clots, which are prime suspects in heart attacks. 3. The Smoking Dilemma Those cigarettes and tobacco products? They’re not just hazardous for your lungs. They raise your blood pressure and toss nasty chemicals into your bloodstream, making those arterial plaques grow even faster. 4. Diabetes – The Silent Saboteur Diabetes plays a sneaky game by sending your blood sugar levels skyrocketing. Over time, this damages blood vessels and nerves, increasing the odds of a heart attack. Spotting the Telltale Signs Recognizing a heart attack can be a real lifesaver. Here are the classic signals to keep an eye out for: – The Chest Saga You might feel a gripping, squeezing sensation in your chest – like an elephant’s sitting on it. Sometimes, this discomfort travels to your arms, neck, jaw, or back. – The Breath Battle Breathlessness, even when you’re at rest or doing something minor, can be your heart’s way of waving a red flag. – The Sweaty Surprise Out of nowhere, you’re dripping in cold sweat. This is your body’s way of saying, “Houston, we have a problem.” – The Nausea Tango Nausea, a dash of vomiting, and a side of dizziness are not uncommon, especially for women. – The Energy Drain Feeling suddenly tired and weak, even when you’re not pushing yourself physically? Your heart might be trying to tell you something. Prevention: Your Shield Against Heart Attacks Preventing a heart attack isn’t rocket science, but it does involve some lifestyle adjustments: 1. Choose Wisely: Your Diet Matters Fill your plate with a rainbow of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy. Dial down the saturated fats, trans fats, salt, and sugar. 2. Get Moving Regular exercise is your heart’s best friend. It helps maintain a healthy weight, keeps your blood pressure in check, and boosts overall heart health. 3. Stub Out Smoking Toss those cigarettes and find resources to quit smoking. Your heart will thank you. 4. Stress Less Yoga, meditation, mindfulness – these stress-busters can lower your heart attack risk. 5. Meds and Check-ups If you have conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, stick to your prescribed medications and attend those check-ups diligently. In Closing Now that we’ve unraveled the mysteries behind heart attacks, it’s crucial to take charge of our heart health. By staying informed and making positive changes, we can keep these life-threatening events at bay. FAQs 1. Can young people suffer from heart attacks? Absolutely, though it’s rare. Genetics or underlying health issues can make it happen. 2. Is a heart attack the same as cardiac arrest? Nope. A heart attack involves blood flow issues, while cardiac arrest is a sudden loss of heart function. 3. Can heart attacks be entirely prevented? Not entirely, but a healthy lifestyle drastically reduces the risk. 4. How quickly should I seek medical help if I suspect a heart attack? Immediately. Time is of the essence during a heart attack. 5. Do men and women experience different heart attack symptoms? Yes, women may have symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and fatigue, which can be less typical in men. Visit for more health-related articles

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heart attack

Heart attack meaning in Urdu دل کا اٹیک: علامات، اسباب، اور علاج

In This Article, we have discussed Heart attack meaning in Urdu. heart attack meaning in Urdu is written below Symptoms of Heart Attack دل کے اٹیک کے : دل کے اٹیک کی علامات مختلف افراد میں مختلف ہوسکتی ہیں، لیکن عام طور پر درج ذیل علامات پائی جاتی ہیں: Causes of Heart Attack دل کے دورہ کے علامات دل کے اٹیک کے مختلف اسباب ہوسکتے ہیں جن میں شامل ہیں: Treatment of Heart attack دل کے اٹیک کے علاج کے اختیارات: دل کے مسائل کے علاج کا انتخاب مخصوص مسئلے کی قسم اور اس کی شدت پر منحصر ہوتا ہے۔ کچھ عمومی علاجی تراکیب مندرجہ ذیل ہیں: یاد رہے، ہر شخص کی صورتحال انفرادی ہوتی ہے، اور علاجی منصوبے کو انفرادی ضروریات کے مطابق ترتیب دینا چاہئے۔ اگر آپ کو علامات محسوس ہو رہی ہیں یا آپ کو دل کے صحت کے بارے میں کوئی مشکلات ہیں، تو معائنہ کرنے اور رہنمائی حاصل کرنے کے لئے کسی طبی ماہر سے رجوع کریں۔ for more health-related articles visit our site

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Tuberculosis meaning in Urdu اردو میں ٹی بی کا مطلب

In this article, we have discussed tuberculosis meaning in Urdu. if you want to know tuberculosis meaning in Urdu then this article is for you. تی بی کی ٹوبیرکولوسس ایک ایسی بیماری ہے جو کہ خطرناک معدومیت کا باعث ہے اور دوسری جنسی مشن، پلامونیا اور ایچ آئی وی/ایڈز کے بعد دنیا بھر میں سب سے زیادہ ہلاکتوں کا سبب بنتی ہے۔ تی بی ایک ناگوار بیماری ہے جو خاص طور پر خرداٴی کمزوری والے لوگوں میں پایا جاتا ہے لیکن ہر کوئی اس سے متاثر ہو سکتا ہے۔ یہ بیماری آکسیجن پہنچانے والے نظام کو متاثر کرکے مریض کی صحت کو خراب کر سکتی ہے۔ Causes Of Tuberculosis In Urdu وجوہات: تی بی کی بنیادی وجوہات متعدد ہیں، ایک مختصر جائزہ پیش کرتے ہیں: Symptoms Of Tuberculosis In Urdu علامات: تی بی کے علامات عام طور پر مندرجہ ذیل ہیں Treatment Of Tuberculosis In Urdu علاج: تی بی کا علاج عام طور پر مندرجہ ذیل عناصر پر مشتمل ہوتا ہے: Summary مختصر میں: تی بی کی ٹوبیرکولوسس ایک ناگوار بیماری ہے جو خطرناک معدومیت کا باعث ہے۔ اس بیماری کی علامات میں سردیاں، تپتیاں، خونی اخراج، سانس لینے میں دشواری، اور سینے میں درد شامل ہیں۔ تی بی کے علاج کا اہم حصہ دوائیوں کا استعمال، صحت بخش غذا، اور آگاہی کا فروغ ہے۔ علاج کی مدت عموماً آٹھ مہینے تک ہوتی ہے اور مداومت بہت ضروری ہوتی ہے۔ تی بی کے بارے میں جانکاری کو بڑھایا جانا چاہیے تاکہ انتقال کی روک تھام کے لئے لوگوں کو درست تدابیر اختیار کرنے کا علم ہو

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disc slip disease

Disc Slip Disease

First, we should know what is disc then we will move to disc slip disease and will discuss its causes, symptoms, preventions, and treatment Disc A layer of cartilage or pad between two adjacent vertebrae. part of disc it consists of the outer fibrous membrane called Annular fibrosis. the second is an inner gel-like matrix called nucleus pulposus. Function this disk act as shock absorbing pad between the bones of the vertebrae during walking, running, or jumping. Definition of Disc Slip disease It doesn’t mean slipping of the disc Actually, the disc gets ruptured or cracked, and the jelly substance escape into the surrounding tissues. the escaped jelly put pressure on the adjacent nerves which causes severe pain. this condition is known as Disc slip. occurrence the most frequently occur in the lower back, but any disc may rupture including those in the neck region. Causes of Disc slip disease . loss of the elasticity . The outer ring or part of the disc become weak or degenerate. . overweighting. . Aging Symptoms of Disc Slip Disease . Pain and poor numbness . pain extend to arms and legs . muscle weakness . pain become more severe at night. . pain become more prominent during walking or running. preventions you can prevent this disease by taking some precautions which are: . do regular exercise. . maintain a healthy weight. . avoid lifting too much heavy load. treatment . severe case needs surgery . prolong rest on a hard bed . Analgesics . physiotherapy Visit

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A doctor is checking the blood pressure of the patient

What Blood Pressure is Normal

In this article, we are going to discuss what blood pressure is normal. so let’s get into it. Definition The force exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels. It is measured by two numbers, which are given below Systolic blood pressure    The blood pressure when the heart beats. its normal value is 120mm Hg. Diastolic blood pressure The pressure in arteries between the gap of two heartbeats. its normal value is 80mm Hg. Both systolic and diastolic are written as 120/80mm Hg. what blood pressure is normal Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. When you measure it and the sphygmomanometer shows a greater value than 120/80 mm Hg it means your Bp is high. the value can be varied by age. It can be varied by age. between  the age of 18-39 For women, it is 110/68 mmHg while for men it is 119/70. Between the age of 40-59 For women, it is 122/74 while for men it is 124/77. Above 60years old For women, it is 139/68 while for men it is 139/68. If blood pressure decrease or increase from its limit given above, as a result two phenomena can occur. What are the causes of high blood pressure There are many causes but some of them are given below. Using too much salt in the diet Having too much stress can also cause it. Obesity. it can also cause by smoking. Family history or genetically. Symptoms . feels difficulty in breathing. . Headache is also a symptom of it. . Nausea. . Vomiting. Treatment It can be prevented by two methods one is by changing your lifestyle and the second by medication. Here are the two methods. Change in your lifestyle Change in your meal We can prevent it by Using less amount of salt in the meal. Stop eating fast food or reduce it. reduce cold drinks. Stop eating spicy foods. Physical activity Do exercise regularly and stay fit. Treatment through medication You can take medicine for the treatment of high blood pressure. Multiple medicines are used for the treatment of this problem but mostly preferred are Diuretics and beta-blockers. if it is not treated immediately as a result it can lead to multiple disorders like . Heart attack . kidney failure . Paralysis or stroke . Eye problems Thank you for reading! For more health related articles visit our site

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A girl facing hair loss

Is there any way to stop hair loss

As we know that losing hair is a big issue nowadays and it can influence your beauty and appearance. But the main question is how to stop hair loss. Is there any way to stop hair loss? the answer is yes there are many ways to stop hair. However, there are multiple things that you can do to stop hair loss but I have come up with 5 ways to stop hair loss. let’s get into it. 5 ways to stop hair loss 1. Eat additional proteins  You may not be consuming requires amount of protein every day and that can affect your hair development. Particularly assuming you’re a veggie lover or vegan, you might have to expand how much protein you consume.”You want 40 to 60 grams every day,” says Dr. Bergfeld.”You can drink your protein, you don’t need to eat it in a food substance.” Alternate ways of hitting your everyday protein necessity incorporate eating beans and vegetables, eggs, or Greek yogurt. 2. Take vitamins  Your healthcare provider can perform different assignments to check whether you lack nutrients. some nutrients and minerals like nutrients A, B, C, D, E, zinc, and iron have an influence on your hair development. so by taking vitamins your hair loss can be controlled. 3. Follow the Mediterranean eating routine Eating natural products, vegetables, and protein — the fundamental fixings in the Mediterranean eating regimen — can be useful, particularly contrasted with other in-vogue counts calories.  4. Keep good hair and scalp care Keep away from unforgiving hair medicines like warming devices, hair color, and dying. Hairdos like tight pigtails or twists can influence your hair too. Keep your scalp sound by washing your hair and scalp consistently. 5. practice oil treatment regularly Many natural oils can help you stop hair loss such as coconut and almonds having acids and vitamins that can help make dry, frizzy, unruly hair softer and more manageable. It also speeds up hair growth and can help in re-growing hair. Heat any natural oil, wait for it to cool to some extent, then massage it properly into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and wait for an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.

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5 ways to stop hair loss at home

As we all know that hair loss for both females and males is a big issue. so let me show you “5 ways for to stop hair loss at home”. the main thing in this blog is that all products are natural 1st way to stop hair loss at home by using neem leaves you can stop hair loss Using neem leaves is also one of the way to stop hair loss at home. Neem leaves have characteristics of antifungal and antibacterial that help in dandruff removal and can help to stop hair loss. It also helps in strengthening the hair follicles and helps in hair growth. For improved results, boil 10 neem leaves in water and afterward apply the mixture to your hair. 2nd way to stop hair loss at home Hydration Remaining hydrated and drinking no less than 6-8 glasses of water consistently can help you in keeping away from hair fall. You can drink natural product that is easy to get ready at the home adversary. for example banana juice can help you strengthens your hair and second is orange juice that can help in stopping hair loss. 3rd way to stop hair loss at home By using Aloe vera gel Aloe Vera is an effective home treatment and necessary for balancing the hair and scalp pH levels. Rub the mash from the aloe vera leaf or stalk it into your hair. Leave it for about 15 minutes before washing your hair with water. 4th way for females to stop hair loss at home 4th way to stop hair loss at home Green tea Green tea is also one of the natural products that can help you in stopping hair loss at home. green tea works in hair development and forstalling hair loss. how to use green tea? sink few green tea bags in half litre of water wait for about 15 minutes and let the green tea cool down. wash your hair with mild shampoo and then massage your scalp with green a tea for about 10 minutes. then wash your hair with cold water. practice this process twice or thrice a week for better results. 5.Manage Your Stress having Stress can also have an impact on your hair loss and as we know that you can’t remove stress from your life but you can keep it in control so keeping your stress and mental health in control during difficult times might become one of the most effective ways to stop hair loss.

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gastritis disease photo

Gastritis Causes, Symptoms and treatment

In this Article, you will learn what is gastritis. its causes, Symptoms, and treatment. What is Gastritis? it refers to the inflammation of lining of the stomach. It is a dangerous disease which can occur suddenly or gradually. Causes of Gastritis 2. Taking medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen and other inflammatory drugs. 3. this disease is caused by a bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori also called H. pylori. 4. Being very stressed. what is H. pylori? Helicobacter pylori, previously known as Campylobacter pylori, is a gram-negative, spiral bacterium usually found in the stomach. the shape of H. pylori is helical. Common symptoms of Gastritis In some people, this disease shows symptoms while in some it can’t show. Some common symptoms are given below 1.When the food you eat can’t digest(indigestion). 2. Nausea is one of the common symptoms. 3. Vomiting can also indicate the presence of this disease. 4.lose of appetite is also symptom of it. 5. difficulty in swallowing food. It also depends on the type of gastritis caused. Types 1.Erosive Gastritis, this type shows different symptoms. 2.Non erosive, this type shows different symptoms. Treatment It can be treated in many ways some of which are given below. 2. Endoscopy: Endoscopy is a process In which a healthcare provider inserts a tube with a lens at one end of the tube through your mouth into your food pipe and then into your stomach. This process can help to examine inflammatory changes in the stomach. A sample of tissue or biopsy from the affected region of the stomach is collected to find the cause of inflammation. 3. Blood tests:  your health care provider can also take blood tests to check the presence of H.pylori in your blood. 4.Antibiotics: you can use antibiotics as well for the treatment of Gastritis. some of the are clarithromycin,  amoxicillin(Augmentin), metronidazole(Flagyl).

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