Epival Tablet 250mg: Uses, Side Effects And Precautions

General Overview:

Epival tablet is a medication used for patients who are suffering from different types of seizure disorder, bipolar disorder, and migraine headaches. It contains Divalproex Sodium as an active ingredient.

Manufactured By:

It is manufactured by


It contains Divalproex Sodium as an active ingredient. It belongs to the class of drugs known as Anti-Convulsants.

Dosage Form:

  • Tablets

Available form:

  • Tablets
  • Syrup

How Does It Work?

Divalproex sodium enhances the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. the enhancement reduces nervous activities. As an inhibitory neurotransmitter, GABA reduces neuronal excitability, aiding in the control of seizures and stabilization of mood.

Epival Tablet Uses:

  • It is used for those who are suffering from several types of seizure disorders such as Absence seizures and complex partial seizures.
  • Manic phase of bipolar disorder
  • Migraine headache
  • Mood swings

Epival Tablet Side Effects:

Common side effects:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • dizziness
  • Tremors( Shaking or trembling)
  • Blurred vision
  • Headache
  • Weight changes

Rare Side effects:

If you experience these side effects, seek medical help and contact the doctor.

  • Thrombocytopenia(reduction in platelet count)
  • Pancreatitis(swelling of pancreas)
  • Rash
  • Itching
  • Anemia(shortage of red blood cells)
  • Suicidal Thoughts and mood swings.

Warnings and Precautions:


  • Talk to your doctor if you are allergic to this medication.
  • Show your medical history to the doctor before using it.
  • Inform the doctor if you are pregnant.
  • inform the doctor if you are in the breastfeeding era.
  • Avoid driving, because it can cause blurred vision.
  • Usage of this medication under 2 years old child is not recommended.
  • It can cause liver damage, especially within the 6 months of treatment. seek medical help.


Use this as per the doctor’s advice.


If you think you have taken more than the recommended by the doctor, please seek medical help.

An individual may experience the below symptoms in case of an overdose

  • Respiratory depression
  • Difficulty in walking or maintaining balance.
  • confusion
  • tremors

Missed Dose:

if you have missed the dose, take it if the time to the next dose is far. otherwise don’t double the dose to cover the forgotten one.


  • Store it in a cool and dry place.
  • Keep it away from children
  • Don’t keep it in a warm place.
  • Keep it away from moisture.
  • Store it between 15°C and 30°C.

Price in Pakistan:

The price of an Epival Tablet in Pakistan is

1 Pack = 10 Stripes

  • Stripe: Rs 80
  • 1 Pack: Rs 800


This article is just for information purposes only. Please don’t take it as medical advice, always consult a doctor for a prescription.

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