The blockage or improper supply of blood flow to brain due to damage in cerebral-blood vessels is called Stroke. Because of the blockage of blood flow to the brain results in shortage of oxygen and nutrients to the brain tissues, due to which brain cells start dying.
There are two types.
1.Ischemic stroke
less supply of blood to brain cells cause ischemic stroke. This occurs due to narrowness or blockage of blood vessels in brain cells. So brain cells does not receive required amount of blood and oxygen which results in death of nerve cells.
Types of Ischemic strokes
There are further two types.
a. Wholly Ischemic
In this type blood supply to particular brain part is completely blocked and results in the paralysis of muscles.
b. Transient ischemic Stroke
In this type blood supply to brain cells is partly blocked and results in temporary paralysis of the muscles occurs which controlled by such brain cells.
2. Hemorrhagic Stroke:
This type results from rupturing of blood vessels in brain. This rupturing of blood vessels occurs when there is a high blood pressure and weak spots in blood vessels-walls.
Symptoms of Stroke:
Numbness and weakness of the face arm and leg.
Trouble in speaking or understanding speech.
Trouble in one or both eye( have blurred or black vision).
Confusion and trouble in walking.
Dizziness and severe headache.
Non- coordinated muscular movements.(loss of balance).
To determine the most appropriate treatment for stroke, several tests are used including blood tests, ECG,MRI,CT-scan.
Treatment of Stroke
I.V. injection of tissue plasminogen activator. This drugs dissolve the clot or thrombus.
Aspirin is administrated orally as it makes the blood thin.
Drugs are given which lower down the blood pressure.
Thrombolytic drugs are given.
You can use Heparin and Warfarin (blood thinners) as anticoagulants that helps in stopping blood from clotting.
Physiotherapy is very much necessary.
In severe stroke the surgery is advised.
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